
Green Chutney Stuffed Eggplant- Ravaiya- Parsi Recipe


  Green Chutney Stuffed Eggplant- Ravaiya

 Brinjal/eggplant is a versatile vegetable, and it goes well with different spices and herbs. Stuffed vegetables always taste better, and sometimes you need to look at things from a new perspective. Ever thought that a simple green coconut chutney can be a flavorful stuffing? Well, it may sound simple, but it tastes delicious. Ravaiya is a vegetarian/vegan recipe that is a perfect example of easy-to-make, comfort homey food. It is a culinary staple of Gujarathi and Parsi cuisine.  It goes well with basmati rice or with Indian flatbread like rotis or parathas.

Fried eggplant has this melting texture, and combined with the tangy, flavorful coconut paste, and spices it tastes delicious. There is a perfect balance of heat and flavor. Coconut and sugar add a touch of sweetness and balances the tart from vinegar and tamarind. The coconut chutney has a fresh flavor of coriander and mint. I have posted recipes of stuffed eggplants, and this recipe is the easiest of all.

Ravaiya is a traditional dish, and you will find lots of variations in both Gujarathi and Parsi cuisine. The Parsi version is dry preparation with less gravy. If you like experimenting with different chutney flavors, try adding roasted tomatoes or peanuts. It is best to use long thin aubergines/ eggplants. Indian baby brinjal or long slender Chinese eggplants are the next best option for this recipe. It is best to stuff the eggplants with half of the chutney and pan fry it till crisp and golden before adding in the gravy to enhance the flavor. Give this recipe a try, you will surely love it.

 Green Chutney Stuffed Eggplant- Ravaiya- Parsi Recipe


To make the chutney filling
Coconut- 1 1/2 cup
Coriander chopped- 1/2 cup
Mint leaves- 15 leaves
Green chili- 5-6
Garlic- 2
Ginger chopped- 1 tsp
Vinegar- 1 tbs
( or one tbs Tamarind pulp)
Lemon juice- 1 tsp
Sugar- 2 tsp
Salt to taste

Thin long Eggplant- 5-6
( or 10 baby eggplant)
Turmeric power- a pinch (optional)
Salt- 1/8 tsp
Cumin seeds- 1/8 tsp
Oil- 4 tbs

The first step is to make a chunky paste using a blender. Into the blender, add coconut, mint leaves, green chilly, garlic, ginger, and coriander leaves. Add salt, lemon juice, and 3-4 tbs of water and make a fine paste. Mix in vinegar and sugar.
Wash and dry the eggplants. Make two slits up to the stem of the eggplant, but make sure it remains intact. Marinate for five minutes with salt and turmeric powder. Take half of the coconut chutney paste and stuff spoonfuls of chutney along the slits. You can secure the eggplants with the help of toothpicks. Let it marinate for another 10 minutes.
Heat oil in a pan and place the stuffed eggplants. Fry in medium heat for about 4-5 minutes on either side. Drain and keep aside. You can also bake the eggplants. Drizzle a few drops of oil on the marinated eggplant. Layer them in a baking pan. Heat oven to 350 degrees F and bake till eggplants are soft and roasted.
In the same oil, add cumin seeds, and when it splutters, add the rest of the marinade and saute for two minutes till the raw flavor disappears. Add 1/2 cup of water, and when it starts boiling, gently place the fried eggplants. Cover and simmer for 6 to 8 minutes or till oil separate. Serve with steamed basmati rice or with Indian flatbread like rotis or parathas.

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