Cluster Bean curry is one of the tasty side dish which is very easy to prepare with less ingredients. We can have this curry as side dish for rice and roti's. I love to have it with jowar roti and pulka's. Hubby is not big fan of this cluster bean but I love it a lot and made him to like it 😉. We can prepare this curry easily by pressure cooking. I made this curry crunchy by adding coarsely crushed ground nuts and by adding vangi bath podi(video link).
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Trust me this vangi bath podi gives very good taste to curry, try it once. kakarakaya pulusu is one of my side dish which is very popular at Andhra. Let's start our recipe..
Do check out some related recipes from youtube channel and blog by just clicking below links..
** Kabuli chana curry(youtube link)
** Hyderbadi kaddu ka dalcha(youtube link)
** Kaju curry
** pan-fried-mediterranean-veggies
Foodie Monday Blog Hop
Taking this healthy and tasty curry recipe to FoodieMondayBloghop fb group's #304Sidekakamal theme . By this time you are all aware that I am part of this lovely group where we bloggers share recipe for theme suggested by a person in alphabetical order every week. This weak theme is suggested by "Priya VJ" who blogs at "sweetspicytasty". Do check her space for more healthy and tasty recipes. I bookmarked her chou chou kadali parappu kottu to try.
Bottle gourd milk curry/sorakaya palu posina kora

Tamil Nadu - Sundakkai vatha kuzhambu
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