Dates & Nuts Banana smoothie is very tasty and energetic drink which is very creamy and delicious in taste. It is very easy to prepare and gives instant energy. This is my super drink which I always loves to have it after my walk, exercises. It is also perfect to have as simple breakfast in busy days, instead of giving your kids store bought energy powder with milk. Just give this dates & nuts banana smoothie before starting their evening studies. It gives good energy and filling too for them. I used soaked almonds and watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins to prepare this smoothie, you can also soak cashew nuts in it if you are planning to give kids. You can use any variety banana, today chakkarakeli banana variety, this is very sweet banana with good smooth flesh, it is widely available in Coastal Andhra. Do checked out banana sheera recipe to get more information about red banana. As many of you I d't like the flavors of melon & pumpkin seeds in smoothie, so I added green cardamom. Do not use these seeds in more quantity, smoothie taste will change. Add seeds & nuts according to your taste and availability. I have other simple dates banana smoothie recipe in my blog do check out..

Foodie Monday Blog Hop
Taking this energetic smoothie to #FoodieMondayBloghop fb group #287DateWithDates theme. Here every week one member from group in alphabetical order will suggest 2 theme, others will vote. High voted theme will be selected, everyone prepare recipes according to theme. This week I got chance to suggest theme, I suggested to prepare any recipe using dates as main ingredient. Waiting for all tasty recipes from my bloggers friends.

Dates & Nuts Banana Smoothie
Preparation time - 10 minutes
Soak time - 30 min
Serves : 2 serving glasses
Author : Aruna SarasChandra
Dates - 10
almonds - 15
cashew nuts - 10(I did not used)
watermelon seeds - 1 tsp
pumpkin seeds - 1 tsp
raisins - 10
banana - 2
milk - 2 glasses
elachi -2
1) Remove seeds from dates. Soak dates, almonds, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, cashew nuts(if you are using) in 1/2 cup of hot water for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
2) Later grind all soaked ingredients other than raisins in a mixer jar to smooth paste.
3) Now add 2 glasses of milk, banana pieces, elachi to the above paste and grind it smoothly. If you want you can also add ice cubes .
4) Later take it into bowl add some finely chopped dates, almonds and soaked raisins and take it into serving glasses. Finally garnish it with nuts, finely chopped almonds and dates.
** If you do not like melon and pumpkin seeds taste skip it.
** As I used chakkarakeli variety banana and good amount of dates, I did not added any sweetener like honey or sugar. If you want you can add it.
** If you want to serve it cool add some ice cubes while grinding.
Hope you liked delicious, quick and energetic dates & nuts banana smoothie. Also check other beverages recipes from blog and youtube channel.
Hope you like this delicious and tasty dates & nuts banana smoothie .Give it a try and drop your comments in inbox.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Aruna Saraschandra :)